Contact Us

Hi! Welcome to the contact page. If you have  questions about anything feel free to contact me via email at
Or by text message at 812-340-1140 (you can call too but texts work better as often my hands are in no condition to handle my phone for calls during the work day). I don’t take orders over the phone, but I can help you with any other questions.
Do be sure to read through the Planting Guide and Plant Care Pages, as well as the FAQ page as often there are many questions growers have that are answered there.
If you need to know your growing zone, you can click this link  that will take you to a page where you can enter your zip code and find your exact USDA growing zone in the United States. The USDA zone will appear right below your zip code input. This USDA site does use anti-bot ReCaptcha protocol for using the site, but it also has ZERO adds to clutter your browser. Simple and safe to use.
If you have not received an order confirmation please check your spam or junk box before contacting me.
You may need to clear Backyard Berry Plants for delivery to your inbox. It can take me up to 10 days to confirm your order, depending on how busy we are.  Thank you!