Aronia “Viking” Organic Chokeberry Plant


Aronia “Viking” 2 gallon size potted organic chokeberry plant.
USDA Hardiness zone 4 to 7

Discount of $9 per plant if you order 2 Viking Aronia 2 gallon potted plants.

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“Viking” Aronia (chokeberry) 2 gal sized potted plant

Viking is a large fruited cultivar of chokecherry selected  in Europe. Fruit has a mild sweetness but is more used for making preserves or jams, or blending with other berries. By itself, the fruit has a pucker to it, hence  the name of choke  cherry. While very nutritional and heavily productive, I would not recommend this for fresh eating unless you like to eat black currants and gooseberries fresh. The fruit is very nutritious, and makes a great addition to flavor when added in baked goods or jams. Hardy, with white blooms in spring and black to purple black berries in mid to late summer, Viking is a very adaptable landscape plant with excellent fruiting ability and appearance. It does not do well in wet soils, like most rose family plants.  I have not observed any pests on our plants or in planting I have put around the local area and towns.  Also, birds here do not favor the berries, so no netting required  to protect them. A nice bonus to this plant is the vivid, fiery-orange and reds that the leaves display in the fall.
Discount of $9 per plant when you order 2 Viking Aronia.