Friendship lowbush blueberry
2 gallon size potted plant
Friendship is a true wild blueberry, and was selected from a wild blueberry heath near Friendship, WI, by breeders looking for superior wild stock for improving the genetics of lowbush cultivars. Friendship performed so well in trials, it was released just as nature intended. Friendship reaches 36”-46″ tall. It is a very vigorous grower producing 4-6# of medium sized, deep blue fruit. Flavor is comparable to the wild blueberry, sweet and aromatic. Fall color is orange-red, and it holds its leaves longer than other cultivars. Ripening is mid-late season, from mid to late July here in Brown County. Friendship also lends itself to container culture (USDA zones 5-7) but does need a larger pot than would be used for the Northblue or Polaris blueberries. USDA hardiness Zones 4-7