Gupton Southern Highbush Organic Blueberry Plant


Gupton Southern Highbush Blueberry 2 gal size potted plant
USDA hardiness zones 6a-10a
FREE SHIPPING ONLY ON QUART POT. 2 gallon size pot carries UPS ground shipping.


Gupton Highbush Blueberry

Gupton is a new, early ripening, low-chill blueberry cultivar suitable for USDA growing zones 6-10a.  This plant grows to 6′ at maturity, having a narrow, columnar shape.  The habit is very upright and Gupton has strong branches, a very picturesque blueberry shrub.  Berries are medium to medium large, light blue in color, and very sweet.  I have yields of 7-10# per plant on our 5-6 year bushes of Gupton on our farm; growers in Mississippi report between 10-14# of berries produced during the growing season, with picking taking 2 weeks to complete (ripening time in the states of MS, AL, and GA is mid-May to early-June).  Other aspects noted in the southern growing zones is that the berries do not crack during wet weather at harvest time, and the flowering time is a bit later than other low-chill cultivars (helping Gupton to avoid frost damage to the blooms in late-frost pockets or valleys). Having grown Gupton on our farm now for 6 years, I can say that the berries are first rate, very sweet, and yields are very reliable. One of my favorite of the lower chill highbush blueberry. Released in 2006 by the USDA-ARS in Poplarville,MS.
USDA hardiness zones 6a-10a


Additional information

Weight 11 lbs
Dimensions 44 × 8 × 8 in

QuartPot, 2GallonPot