Huron Highbush Organic Blueberry Plant
2-gallon size potted plant
Huron was selected in Michigan, and is another fine cultivar that exhibits qualities especially for northern climates. It is compact, maturing to around 4 feet tall (similar to Blue Gold). It is tolerant to winter cold down to minus 25F. Berries range from medium to large size, with a deep, dark blue color and excellent firmness. Huron’s berries are very sweet when full ripe on the bush. Yields will be between 8-10# of berries a season. Picking of fruit will occur over a 3 week period. It has a habit similar to Blue Gold, being very upright and bushy. Huron is the first early season, compact highbush blueberry that I’ve come across; and it makes a good compliment to Blue Gold (mid-season) and Aurora (late season). For those with limited space or requiring shorter (yet full yielding) plants, these three cultivars will give fresh berry production across the blueberry season. This cultivar was released by Michigan State University in 2011.
USDA hardiness zones 4-7