Fort Laramie Day-Neutral Organic Strawberry Quart Size Plant 4-pack


Strawberry Quart Size Plant Offer, 4 potted plants in offer
Fort Laramie day-neutral organic strawberry
USDA Hardiness zones 3-8
Free Shipping on This Offer
Begins shipping in early to mid-MAY

65 in stock

Qty Discount # of Plants Plant Price
Strawberry Plant 4-pack quantity discount - no alpines 3 $40.00
Strawberry Plant 4-pack quantity discount - no alpines 4 $38.00
Strawberry Plant 4-pack quantity discount - no alpines 5 - 6 $36.00
Strawberry Plant 4-pack quantity discount - no alpines 7 - 32 $34.00


Fort Laramie Organic Strawberry
Quart Size 4-plant pack


Released 43 years ago by the USDA station in Cheyenne, WY, this near-heirloom strawberry has kept its place in the ranks of newer cultivars due to its cold-hardiness and ability to produce fruit in very tough environments.

Fort Laramie produces medium to large berries (larger with good fertility) with a bright-scarlet color, very sweet, showing exceptional resistance to fruit rots here at our farm in Indiana (performing better than Ozark Beauty).
Fort Laramie bears a large, early crop just before or with our first June-bearing types; with another crop in late summer. Berries on older plants are also produced sporadically through the summer, especially if runners are kept pruned (the spring runners on a 2 year plant will actually fruit in the summer, though the berries are on the small side for that crop). This is a very rugged cultivar, hardy to zone 3 and the cooler areas of zone 8. Originally bred with the mountain west in mind, Fort Laramie has done reliably well across the U.S., and continues to enjoy popularity for the ease of its growth and the production of quality strawberries under adverse conditions.
USDA hardiness zones 3-8a

Plants ready to ship in early to mid-May.
For this offer, you get 4, quart size, potted strawberry plants. Plants ship to anywhere in the contiguous USA. Email me for Alaskan shipping (added fee applies); no shipment to HI, PR, or US territories.
NOTE: quantity discount applied to strawberry 4-pack offers (can be mixed, discount based on category).
Stock is limited.

All strawberry plants are Certified Organic and Non-GMO, grown here on our farm in Indiana.