Chanticleer Highbush Organic Blueberry Plant
Chanticleer is a vigorous, large fruited cultivar. It is also the earliest ripening highbush , with consistently sweet fruit. Production has been very steady as well, with mature bushes yielding between 9-11 pounds of fruit here in south-central Indiana. I continue to be pleased with the performance of this early season cultivar. Berries come ripe by late May to mid-June, depending upon the spring weather. The breeder has also observed high resistance to stem blight and mummy berry, two afflictions often seen in areas of the country with large, commercial blueberry plantations. I have noticed better production and yield when Chanticleer is planted with the soil-less planting method listed here on our website. Original seedling selected in Maryland in 1978.
USDA hardiness Zones 5b-8a
FREE SHIPPING ON QUART POT ONLY. 2 gallon size plant carries UPS ground shipping.