Organic Elderberry Collection: Wildtype Plants
2 gallon sized pots
(Sambucus nigra subsp. canadensis)
This collection includes 2 elderberry plants grown and shipped in 2 gallon size pots. The collection is 2 plants grown from seed collected in the Midwest, wildtype with no human selection or vegetative propagation. The plants are young (12-20″ after planting) and robust, and will grow quickly. Do plan on protecting them from rabbit and deer while the plants are young.
These elder are genetically distinct individuals and will provide outcrossing for good berry set.
This collection is good for USDA zones 4-8.
Elder will not grow in USDA zones 9,10, or 11 as it does not get cold enough in those climates for it to experience dormancy.
This Elderberry Collection appears under the “Self-Pollinating” category these cultivars will cross pollinate when planted near each other.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to limited availability this year, only one of these collections may be purchased per order. Please do not make multiple orders to acquire these plants. Thank you.
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