Pink Lemonade Rabbiteye Organic Blueberry Plant
An older cultivar preserved by the USDA breeding program. Pink is one of the few pink fruited cultivars that tastes good and has great vigor, blooming, and beautiful foliage. I would recommend this as a novelty plant, as it is very beautiful in the landscape but is slightly lower yielding than its blue-fruited cousins. Berries are sweet with little to no tartness when fully ripened on the bush (picked earlier, they will have a mixture of sweet and tart, hence the “lemonade” part of the name). Pink is a midseason variety of the rabbiteye cultivars, and will begin ripening between late May to mid June in central TX and southern MS, AL, north FL and GA. This cultivar has a mature size of 5′ to 6′ tall and 3′- 5′ wide, with yields ranging between 6-8# of medium to large sized, pink-colored berries.
USDA hardiness zones 6a-9b
Best pollinator: Robeson, Powderblue; and is also partially self-fruiting.