St. Cloud half-high Organic Blueberry Plant
This blueberry reaches about 4′ tall at maturity, and produces a good quantity of sweet blueberries (between 5-7 pounds) in the early summer. Berry size is medium, and they come ripe with the wild blueberry crop when grown in northern latitudes.
Selected by the University of Minnesota, St. Cloud can handle cold winters and snowy weather. It is a good size for covering to protect the crop from birds as well. I have grown St. Cloud on our farm for over 20 years now, and I am always impressed by it’s perpetual yield of sweet berries despite the weather vagaries that plague Midwest agriculture.
St. Cloud does require a pollinator for good fruit set. Good companions are: Northblue, North Sky, Friendship, Polaris, Chippewa, any of the wild lowbush blueberries; and any hardy northern highbush cultivars.
USDA hardiness zones 4-7
FREE SHIPPING on Quart size pot ONLY